ಕೊಲೊರಾಡೋ ಕನ್ನಡ ಶಾಲೆ ಕಲಿಕೆ


This course is suitable for children 5+ years old, and the course will be taught ONLINE once a week.

The classes for age groups 5 and 17 years are 30-60 mins in length. Both the curriculum and books focus on building interest in learning the language. 

There are 8 levels in the syllabus, with each level targeted towards a certain proficiency in Kannada language. As learners improve, they will be moved to a higher level. 

All kids would start from Level 1. We provide electronic versions of the text book in pdf form and if interested, parents can buy the color text books separately. 


A Colorado volunteer parent will be teaching this course to Colorado kids. We need your help! 

Colorado Kannada Shale appreciates and thank all Volunteer Teachers for their support, interest and dedication towards running this program and all parents that will enroll their kids into this 'Kannada Kali' program.

Volunteer teachers will be given basic training by Kannada Academy. 

Although this course is being rolled out with the primary intention of teaching kids, adults can enroll and learn directly through Kannada Academy via Mysore University Certification Courses (Basic & Advanced).

Please contact us to enroll your children or volunteer to teach, or to get more information by sending an email to coloradokannadashale@gmail.com